Photo courtesy of South Huron Chamber of Commerce. For more information, visit its website.
Sandy Simpson couldn’t believe his eyes when a white squirrel streaked across his lawn and disappeared into the bushes.
After all, while white squirrels are common to parts of Canada and the U.S., it’s a rare sighting in Scotland. It became the subject of the member of the Polmont Horticultural Society’s column for the Falkirk Herald today. In his column entitled Sandy’s Garden … The White Nutcracker, he shares with readers that Exeter, Ont. competes for the title of Home of the White Squirrel with: Olney, Illinois; Marionville, Missouri; Brevard, North Carolina; and Kenton, Tennessee.
“Like the white rabbit’s first appearance in Alice in Wonderland, it ran across the garden and disappeared into bushes, out of sight almost as soon as I caught a glimpse of it,” he writes, before outlining the differences between albino squirrels and white squirrels, and clearing up a few misconceptions about the critters.
To read his full column, please visit the Falkirk Herald’s website.