In Honour of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Diamond Jubilee Concert!
Diamond Jubilee Concert in Honour of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II! This Sunday, November 4th, 3:00 pm, Trivitt Anglican Church, 264 Main St. Exeter. British and Canadian Repertoire! Featuring Janet Heerema and Gerald Fagan Conductors, Anne Spivey Pianist, South Huron Community Choirs, University Music Graduates Aaron Neeb (French Horn), Michelle Roy (Trombone), Allison Neeb (Alto Saxophone), Doug Bruce (Bagpipes), Jon Gill (Drum). Special guests include Master of Ceremonies Jay Campbell , Jubilee Award Recipients David MacLeod, Bruce Shaw, Stewart Taylor and Gerald Fagan, First Nations Canadian Monique Pregent, Local Leaders Wayne DeLuca and Paul Ciufo. Tickets $15. Call Trivitt Church (519) 235-2565.