October rainfall alleviates low water advisory

The Water Response Team (WRT) is stepping down its low water advisory.

It has announced a move from Level 2, which calls for a 20 per cent voluntary water use reduction, to a Level 1 Low Water Advisory, which calls for a 10 per cent voluntary reduction, in the entire watershed area of the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) through November at least.

A return of wet weather in October has helped the watershed to begin its recovery from a dry 2012.  Rainfall amounts across the entire watershed for October ranged from 100-133 mm. These amounts are slightly above what would normally be expected. The combination of rain and a lower demand in water use and the seasonal slow-down in plant growth, a higher percentage of rainfall should be available to replenish groundwater and stream flows.

“We are starting to see some recovery in local watercourses but stream flows remain low,” said Davin Heinbuck, who is an ABCA lands and water technologist.

Monthly stream flows across the watershed are at only 25 per cent of normal October flows.

“Stream flows are the best visual indicator of recovery, and although we have seen improvements in both rainfall and stream flows, we will be cautious until we see a recovery back to seasonal levels,” he said.

Stream flows are still low relative to normal for this time of year “so we are still asking water users to voluntarily reduce the amount of water they use by at least 10 per cent,” said Mike Tam, who is chair of WRT.

WRT was formed in 2001 in response to the low-water conditions that year and the team has been active ever since. The WRT includes representatives of major water users such as aggregate industries, agriculture and vegetable growers, and golf and recreation and includes local municipal representatives and staff of provincial departments such as Natural Resources, Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and Ministry of the Environment.

ABCA staff will continue to monitor rainfall and stream-flow data and keep the public informed of any changes in watershed conditions. Visit www.ontario.ca/lowwater for further resources on the Ontario low water response program or ABCA website to view the low-water advisory tool that alerts people to low-water advisories in effect in the watershed.

Written by on November 19, 2012 in Bayfield, Bluewater, Central Huron, Clinton, Exeter - No comments

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