Comments on: Public elementary teachers picket six locations in Avon Maitland District /2012/12/10/public-elementary-teachers-picket-six-locations-in-avon-maitland-district/ Fri, 22 Mar 2013 20:35:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ann /2012/12/10/public-elementary-teachers-picket-six-locations-in-avon-maitland-district/#comment-31661 Ann Mon, 10 Dec 2012 20:29:07 +0000 /?p=10573#comment-31661 I don’t think Dalton McGuinty got the teacher message. He’s come out today saying that the teacher unions have ruined 9 years of education peace and that this is all about money for them (paraphrasing).

Really Education Premier?

What WAS that stuff you were buying labour peace, and votes with over the past 9 years? Wasn’t it money?

Looks like we’re all learning lessons out of school. Some the hard way but as for the Education Premier. He’s looking at a solid “F” from here on in.
