Comments on: Letter: Open house short on open talks about storing high-level nuclear waste /2012/10/01/letter-open-house-short-on-open-talks-about-storing-high-level-nuclear-waste/ Fri, 22 Mar 2013 20:35:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul /2012/10/01/letter-open-house-short-on-open-talks-about-storing-high-level-nuclear-waste/#comment-31539 Paul Sat, 13 Oct 2012 15:31:11 +0000 /?p=9116#comment-31539 Well said, you guys. And WIND sucks. Give me a break.

By: Paul Carroll /2012/10/01/letter-open-house-short-on-open-talks-about-storing-high-level-nuclear-waste/#comment-31528 Paul Carroll Mon, 01 Oct 2012 14:03:45 +0000 /?p=9116#comment-31528 Sounds like exactly the same approach that was taken back in the mid ’70s when BNPD, the CNR, and AECL were trying to minimize the impact of any substance being “created” in the fission process.
They liked to compare the impacts then to “radiation no more than that from your kitchen toaster”. They had much difficulty admitting the horrific impacts of the high level waste – especially from fuel rods – and the artificial toxins created that would need supervision for more than 200,000 years – yes! … more than 200,000 – etc. etc, etc.
How many have already died so far in Japan after the accidental relases of high level radiation there? Sure, they are talking about 1,500 feet underground, but it my area, the salt beds are laced with water aquifers. Surely someone knows about that too….

Yes, there HAS to be a solution to long-term waste storage. But, let’s start the dialogue in an honest, forthright, and open manner. You can fool some of the people all the time it seems – or so they think….. but at what cost to our children and their descendants? :(
